Thursday 31 December 2009

Spring Show Update

So far the planning is going swimmingly, everyday I am replying to 10s of designers, MUAs, photographers and models who are applying. We have confirmed many models and designers already. It's a really got really good vibes. There's still more to go and do but so far so good.

Now we just need to get our promotion heads on.. I'm pretty excited for the turnout of this show.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

A new show! - Spring Fashion show Manchester - Feb 18th

We got a bit impatient, and since the last show was so successful we decided to hold another one in a different town, so instead of waiting until August 2010, we will be holding a show on February 18th in Manchester city centre.

This show is called The Spring Show... not very imaginative but it goes with the season theme we seem to have accumulated. We have another organiser on board, a designer from our last show. We have been planning for 1 week and already have many models, designers, muas (make up artists)and photographers lined up, and a venue!

The venue is the Deaf Institute, right near Oxford Road in Manc.

At the moment I am waiting for a designer to give me promotion materials, then I can really start to spread the word.... I also need to make a lot of clothes.. I have been collecting some beautiful material though, I'm quite excited about getting starting on the sewing.

the group for the show is here in case you're interested:

Click here to see The Spring Fashion Show

Friday 11 December 2009

End of Summer Fashion Show - The Video

End of Summer Fashion Show - Leeds - 2009 from victoria rossiter on Vimeo.

2009 launched the beginning of this annual event: The End of Summer Fashion Show

Our next show is:

A bit of the story:

Drawing from inspirational British artists - both in fashion as well as music made the event a major success.

Overreaching the target for charity, the show inspired the minds of designers, creators, presenters, local business people and gorgeous divas to get involved in a cause greater than themselves.

To think beyond their daily lives and let the colours and fabrics from distant lands transport them elsewhere, where anything is possible.

The show featured the extremely loved and talented Kate Churischka , a violinist. A rivetting performance by this talented individual heated up the catwalk and prepared the audience for the aftershow and dancefloor.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

End of Summer Fashion Show website

We have just confirmed that we will be organising another fashion show in 2010 making it an annual event, most likely still in Leeds, so I figured if I start fixing the website for my fashion show now, by next year it might be a very useful tool when the time comes.

So I've bought a real domain and hosting this time, incorporated a contact form and a flash gallery of this years sucvcess will be up there too

Click here to see The End of Summer Fashion Show

There's a screen capture for your viewing.

it's not all finished yet, but you get the idea:)

Managed to get the video and all the photos online now, and a contact form.

Friday 6 November 2009

New work

For my new job, I've mainly been editing video, but I've been making more of these Video Ads too, check one out on this page -

Click here to see my video ad on the furniture shop online

I have made about 3 more but the companies haven't put them online yet...

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Change over

Basically, I was being bullied by a classmate (S.L.) for a while, we lived together as well (things hadn't always this way between us) and life became really awful for me living in Leeds... I was also slightly unsatisfied with my course. I know it's everything I want to do, but something wasn't quite right. I wasn't motivated enough I think and I just wanted to travel, my heart hadn't been in it this last year.

I was going to defer and move to Montreal for a year and think things over some more. I didn't want to go back to school and study yet and even if I moved out of the house that guy would still be in lessons with me everyday and I couldn't bear even looking at his face...

I applied for jobs and housing and had almost paid for all my visa and such, sorting it out with college too when I got a job offer as a designer/video editor for a good sum of money. It took me a week to decide, as I still wanted to just leave the country, but in the end I realised I shouldn't waste this opportunity.

I've been working now for 5 weeks and it's ace. I've learnt so much, particularly with After Effects and Premiere Pro. I know them both well now. It's been good working with real clients for deadlines that actually matter and having professionals like my work.

With this new found wealth I finally bought an overlocker and am making my 2nd collection of clothes for shows. I was involved in a few since the one I organised. I bought tickets to go and see New York and some go to back to Amsterdam with some friends. Also learning to drive. Things are still changing a lot but it's looking up from 2 months ago for sure!

I'll find some examples of my recent work soon enough.

Good things can happen out of bad things :)

Thursday 10 September 2009

End of Summer Fashion Show

The show was a marvelous success. In the end we had 12 designers as follows.

Vicky Martin, Kookai, Heidi May, Arrogant Cat, Me, Linzi Hofman, Becky Collina, Verity Smith, Anadlus, Kelly Ewing, Orlando.

It went really smoothly, especially considering the whole thing was run by 2 people with little funds. Some guy from Hollyoaks came and we had the Yorkshire Evening Post there.

I just have to get round to editing the video footage now!

Here are some photos.

All these photos are by Deepak Boddu

and more...

Sunday 12 July 2009


This summer has been sooo effing cool so far.

I had the best time in Italy, like everything was immense, and I do quite like teaching. I also learned a bit more Italian. Soon, I'm going to New York to see some of my lovely new friends too.

And now, with a girl I met in Italy, I am putting on a Fashion show in Leeds. We decided it'd be something to do so we don't sit around all day and wonder why the hell we're in the UK.

It's quite ambitious, but we're good. So far we have designers and models confirmed and a venue for the show, 28th August. I also have to make 4 pieces! Watch this space for photos of the show.

Monday 25 May 2009

changing of the guard

Well for my final project I had to completely change the idea cos it all went tits up

but it's not too bad I guess, instead of using my super 8 film (I couldn't because the royal mail hate me) I made a scrapbook of my travels accompanied with a diary of events that happened while I have been away. I decided to just use the past year of trips away as I remember them better, it's not as skilled to create as my old idea, but I do like the result and I will definitely continue to add to it.


I watched the muppet show, then kermit's swamp years then the muppets in space then a muppet's christmas carol yesterday... man i miss it soooo much

I want to live in a muppet house

Thursday 21 May 2009

croatia and marseille

finally getting a few photos up from some of my trips this year, I didn't have a digital camera so I took a SLR and a disposable one with me on these trips.

these first photos are on a disposable in Marseille.

Here are the croatia ones, some ar SLR and some are disposable... I like to use both because I like the different effects they have. I did take some with a Lomo camera in Marseille but I haven't had the chance to scan anything in yet.

< img src="" width ="60%">

I had such a cool time away, just looking forward to a month in italy now.. not too long!!

Tuesday 24 March 2009

my FMP

I've decided I want to learn something really new!

So I will do Super 8 film, as I already have some knowledge of other video and animation stuff.

then I got to thinking about the content, and I was thinking about what i'm interested in and what would make good viewing... Travelling!

I want to film some or one of my travels with super 8 :)

I found this ace little vid on youtube as well to demonstrate what i'm on about


Ooooh I looked some more and found some more good videos too

Monday 9 March 2009

Work stuff

I figured it was about time I put something here actually relevant to the course.. perhaps!

A summary of some of my projects, and my feelings about them

First one was the book project. I decided to base it on the Central Viaduct towards the west of Leeds.

I did have some nice photographs of the top of the viaduct as shown above, but I had a lot of problems with Quark I recall in the printing and the printing quality was not great. The book itself was not too poorly made, I think with more practise I would be alright. I think this project dragged opn a little bit too long, it seemed to last for ages!!

Link the the project my Leeds reportage blog


Next project

I think was my Beerfest plan. I decided to hold a one day Beerfest to promote a dutch beer

The idea was to create a brief, and think about everything, but not actualy do what the plan states. i felt this project was rather successful bar one factor, i couldn't attened the pesentation because of a cut on my foot that rendered me unable to walk for a week, oh man did that suck...

I did look in detail about where to hold it, what license i would need for booze, how to get volunteers, what staff I need e.g. first aiders and the all important piece, what beer to use!

This could have actually worked, but I emailed a company with some imaginery questions and they said they wouldn't do anything abroad, so if i were to do it I'd have to find another company... boooo

Here is my working stuff BEEEEERRRRRFESTT



I tried making a website using a few different methods here. In the form of a blog, using dreamweaver solely, using a free website and using Flash.

My aim was to see which way was the easiest, cheapest, least effort to make the site above and host it online.

This project was quite helpful to me, I did improve my existing knowledge of Flash and Dreamweaver and i also learned how to host your website for free without using a stupid premade template.. yay.

Link me up! the comtech briefffff


Uhh what next?

i think it was my tattoo site.. yes it was!

This is the audience brief, which actually I really enjoyed and found to be quite successful, hasn't been marked yet so i don't know if any teachers agrees with me..

Basically, we had to make something, based solely on feedback from people, specifically students.

This turned into me making a website gallery. Man it was tough making this website work, but i did it!

Here's the home page (y)

I don't actually have a blog for this cos we had to hand in a presentation, this might be the downfall of the entire project.. but only time will tell..



My how to video:

This isn't my most successfull brief i don't think, but here you are.. i like the song

Here is the video holly and I made as our collaboration, this is nicer

Monday 23 February 2009