Wednesday 3 December 2008


I came across a wonderful website that allows you to print and create your own Dirkon brand pinhole camera out of cardboard.

I love the fake buttons and fake lens :)

I reenforced the shutter with a bit of plastic so it doesn't bend too much. This camera does appear to be quite delicate.

I want to test it with film soon!

Monday 1 December 2008

Henna time

Living next to the international supermarket is ace!

Henna tubes for 55p!!

this second attempt was done when I was a little inibriated, hence the small smudge at the bottom

(Check the action man plate)

Here's Steph's attempt, sadly it turns out she's allergic to henna, and it just came up nice and red! hahahaaha

more photos to come!

Wednesday 12 November 2008


I didn't make this up. but I kind of wish I had

Armley with an SLR

Recently I went out on a little adventure to Armley with a shiney nice SLR camera. As you can see from the photos I still have quite a long way to go, but it's going alright, and I like it :)

In this 3rd image, I actually exposed the negative onto the wrong side of the paper... what a wally....

Smallest house ever!?

Still need to learn to focus better

I think this was one of the more successful photos

Horse and a skyscraper!

Sunday 9 November 2008

statement of intent??

I hope to learn how to design anything. I have had a job making flash animations, I have a great deal of experience with Photoshop and a little of Illustrator. At the moment, I’m interested in learning everything. I really want to gain more skills, particularly with digital design.

Outside of college I enjoy music, particularly from the 60s and 70s and making my own clothes. At the moment I’m also exploring the world of photography, partly for the course and partly my own curiousity.

I want a degree and the knowledge/skills to help launch me into a career as some sort of designer. This is still quite vague.

Wet photography practise

I had my first ever experiment with wet photography and working in a darkroom recently. I really enjoyed it and I definitely want to practise more with SLR cameras and black and white photography. Often I find with digital cameras, black and white photography is quite redundant but the exposure with this is stronger and using an slr is definitely better in terms of being able to focus manually.

The image above is my first contact sheet tester from the photos Heather and I took around the city centre. We exposed all the negatives for 2 seconds, then covering up a bit more and a bit more we exposed the rest to see what the best time was. In this instance it was 16 seconds (the second top left hand stripe). You can see where we didn’t expose it enough in the bottom right hand corner.

Here is the contact sheet with the whole sheet exposed for 16 seconds, I think this was quite successful for my first time:)

Here are two images from the sheet enlarged.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

On a recent trip we went to Newcastle. I've never been before and it's such a strange city - an eclectic mix of new and old buildings.

As I have no camera, i invested in a few disposible cameras for the trip. These gave me some quite vivid coloured images, sometimes they were a bit blurry, but I like the old style effect.

There was a design event on, but we didn't go, instead we went to South Shields to visit the beach. The bright sunshine and sand turned out really nicely in these photographs, and the strange dark and light of the amusement park.

Saturday 1 November 2008