A summary of some of my projects, and my feelings about them
First one was the book project. I decided to base it on the Central Viaduct towards the west of Leeds.
I did have some nice photographs of the top of the viaduct as shown above, but I had a lot of problems with Quark I recall in the printing and the printing quality was not great. The book itself was not too poorly made, I think with more practise I would be alright. I think this project dragged opn a little bit too long, it seemed to last for ages!!
Link the the project my Leeds reportage blog
Next project
I think was my Beerfest plan. I decided to hold a one day Beerfest to promote a dutch beer
The idea was to create a brief, and think about everything, but not actualy do what the plan states. i felt this project was rather successful bar one factor, i couldn't attened the pesentation because of a cut on my foot that rendered me unable to walk for a week, oh man did that suck...
I did look in detail about where to hold it, what license i would need for booze, how to get volunteers, what staff I need e.g. first aiders and the all important piece, what beer to use!
This could have actually worked, but I emailed a company with some imaginery questions and they said they wouldn't do anything abroad, so if i were to do it I'd have to find another company... boooo
Here is my working stuff BEEEEERRRRRFESTT
I tried making a website using a few different methods here. In the form of a blog, using dreamweaver solely, using a free website and using Flash.
My aim was to see which way was the easiest, cheapest, least effort to make the site above and host it online.
This project was quite helpful to me, I did improve my existing knowledge of Flash and Dreamweaver and i also learned how to host your website for free without using a stupid premade template.. yay.
Link me up! the comtech briefffff
Uhh what next?
i think it was my tattoo site.. yes it was!
This is the audience brief, which actually I really enjoyed and found to be quite successful, hasn't been marked yet so i don't know if any teachers agrees with me..
Basically, we had to make something, based solely on feedback from people, specifically students.
This turned into me making a website gallery. Man it was tough making this website work, but i did it!
Here's the home page (y)
I don't actually have a blog for this cos we had to hand in a presentation, this might be the downfall of the entire project.. but only time will tell..
My how to video:
This isn't my most successfull brief i don't think, but here you are.. i like the song
Here is the video holly and I made as our collaboration, this is nicer
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