Basically, I was being bullied by a classmate (S.L.) for a while, we lived together as well (things hadn't always this way between us) and life became really awful for me living in Leeds... I was also slightly unsatisfied with my course. I know it's everything I want to do, but something wasn't quite right. I wasn't motivated enough I think and I just wanted to travel, my heart hadn't been in it this last year.
I was going to defer and move to Montreal for a year and think things over some more. I didn't want to go back to school and study yet and even if I moved out of the house that guy would still be in lessons with me everyday and I couldn't bear even looking at his face...
I applied for jobs and housing and had almost paid for all my visa and such, sorting it out with college too when I got a job offer as a designer/video editor for a good sum of money. It took me a week to decide, as I still wanted to just leave the country, but in the end I realised I shouldn't waste this opportunity.
I've been working now for 5 weeks and it's ace. I've learnt so much, particularly with After Effects and Premiere Pro. I know them both well now. It's been good working with real clients for deadlines that actually matter and having professionals like my work.
With this new found wealth I finally bought an overlocker and am making my 2nd collection of clothes for shows. I was involved in a few since the one I organised. I bought tickets to go and see New York and some go to back to Amsterdam with some friends. Also learning to drive. Things are still changing a lot but it's looking up from 2 months ago for sure!
I'll find some examples of my recent work soon enough.
Good things can happen out of bad things :)